Dive safely hands free and be in compliance with the law.
Eliminate road and wind noise
Experience the best cell phone clarity - hear and be heard clearly
Never miss a word and be completely understood, every time!
Use your iPhone, Android, Blackberry or any cell phone, in your car with no noisy distractions, even in a convertible!
Use voice recognition Apps like Dragon Dictation or iPhone OS Voice Control with greater accuracy for a truly hands free experience
Save battery life - Wired headset needs no battery unlike with battery hungry Bluetooth headsets
The Best Wired Headset for Health, Safety and Reliability
For those concerned about health risks new evidence indicates there may be a link betewen cell phone useage and cancer. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent - neurosurgeon by profession says he always uses a wired headset with his cell phone. Why not chose the best wired noise canceling headset in the world? TheBoom!