US Army
The 160th special operations command were the first to use the UmeCobra mic. in their Chinooks. The benefits not only of Clarity and Productivity but also of saving lives became very evident to them. We had one flight medic explain to us that the first time he used the UmeCobra mic. he saved a life since the pilot stopped the aircraft as soon as he asked him to. After the 160th the Army started using the UmeCobra in Blackhawks, Apaches, Lakotas and many other airframes. In a Lakota one of the early findings before the UmeCobra was put into action was that the VoX would accidentally trigger. As soon as the users started using the UmeCobra this problem went away. The special forces recently chose a brand new helmet to be used by them for the future. They insisted that the UmeCobra be part of the new package.
US Marine Corps
The US Marine Corps has been using the Tactical Command Liberator headsets with the UmeCobra mic. for quite some time. With the recent flight approvals for UmeCobra mic. they can now get the UmeCobra mic. through the defense supply system to fulfill their needs and benefit from the technology that has already proven to help their colleagues in the other forces with tremendous improvement in communication in noise.
Worldwide Forces
Independently many foreign forces have realized the benefit of the UmeCobra mic. and have adopted them for extremely noisy activities. For open door flying and rappelling under a helicopter, there is no other microphone in the world that surpasses the UmeCobra's noise canceling properties. European, Australian, and other worldwide forces have adopted the UmeCobra because of its stellar performance in noise. It has proven to make a significant difference in Safety and Productivity, both of which are critical during noisy operations.
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